In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com,
your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these 20 (21-22 optional) items.
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
A | Carrier Name |
B | Carrier FEIN |
C | Mode (J-Truck, R-Rail, P-Pipeline) |
D | Origin City or County Code * (only for Wyoming Cities, and if no origin terminal, otherwise blank) IMPORTANT:Must use exact city spelling for cities, or 3 digit county code for counties. |
E | Origin State |
F | Destination City, County, or Airport Code* (only for Wyoming Cities, otherwise blank) IMPORTANT:Must use exact city spelling for cities, or 3 digit county code for counties. You may also use the 4 digit city or airport code(ex. 0101 for Casper) for destinations in WY. |
G | Destination State |
H | Terminal Name/Location (if applicable, ex. Sheridan ConocoPhillips) |
I | Terminal Number (if above Terminal Name/Location (H) is indicated, ex. T83WY4050) The state will also allow the 4 digit code (ex. 03-04 for Sheridan) for origins in WY. |
J | Seller Name (if receipt, else blank) |
K | Seller Fein (if receipt and Seller name (J) , else blank) |
L | Buyer Name (if disbursement, else blank) |
M | Buyer FEIN (if disbursement and Buyer Name(L), else blank) |
N | Date of transaction (M/D/YYYY format, ex. 12/01/2011) |
O | Manifest Number (up to 10 characters) |
P | Product code (choices 065,072,122,124,125,130,142,160,170,171,175,185,228,284, or 290) |
Q | Net Gallons of Product (whole gallons) |
R | Gross Gallons of Product (whole gallons) |
S | Billed Gallons of Product(whole gallons) |
T | Schedule Code (1A,2,2B,2C,2E ,5,5X,6,6B,7,or 7B) |
U | Reporting Month (if transaction date of load is out-of-period, with which month would you like it to be processed, or leave blank) |
V | Reporting Year (if transaction date of load is out-of-period, with which year would you like it to be processed, or leave blank) |
Example file:
GUZZLERS INC,830290518,J,,WY,CHEYENNE,WY,SHERIDAN,T83WY4054,JACKSON OIL,831234567,,,9/4/2011,248978,065,9360,9400,9400,1A,3,2012,0 |
RUSTYS TANKERS,838796561,J,,WY,,CO,,T83WY8976,,,SHARONS MINI MARTS,831298345,9/15/2011,1234592,175,1507,1500,1500,7 |