About HuskerOil.com

In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com,
your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these 20 (21-22 optional) items.
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
ACarrier Name
BCarrier FEIN
CMode (J-Truck, R-Rail, P-Pipeline)
DOrigin City or County Code * (only for Wyoming Cities, and if no origin terminal, otherwise blank)
IMPORTANT:Must use exact city spelling for cities, or 3 digit county code for counties.
EOrigin State
FDestination City, County, or Airport Code* (only for Wyoming Cities, otherwise blank)
IMPORTANT:Must use exact city spelling for cities, or 3 digit county code for counties.
You may also use the 4 digit city or airport code(ex. 0101 for Casper) for destinations in WY.
GDestination State
HTerminal Name/Location (if applicable, ex. Sheridan ConocoPhillips)
ITerminal Number (if above Terminal Name/Location (H) is indicated, ex. T83WY4050)
The state will also allow the 4 digit code (ex. 03-04 for Sheridan) for origins in WY.
JSeller Name (if receipt, else blank)
KSeller Fein (if receipt and Seller name (J) , else blank)
LBuyer Name (if disbursement, else blank)
MBuyer FEIN (if disbursement and Buyer Name(L), else blank)
NDate of transaction (M/D/YYYY format, ex. 12/01/2011)
OManifest Number (up to 10 characters)
PProduct code (choices 065,072,122,124,125,130,142,160,170,171,175,185,228,284, or 290)
QNet Gallons of Product (whole gallons)
RGross Gallons of Product (whole gallons)
SBilled Gallons of Product(whole gallons)
TSchedule Code (1A,2,2B,2C,2E ,5,5X,6,6B,7,or 7B)
UReporting Month (if transaction date of load is out-of-period, with which month would you like it to be processed, or leave blank)
VReporting Year (if transaction date of load is out-of-period, with which year would you like it to be processed, or leave blank)

Example file:
GUZZLERS INC,830290518,J,,WY,CHEYENNE,WY,SHERIDAN,T83WY4054,JACKSON OIL,831234567,,,9/4/2011,248978,065,9360,9400,9400,1A,3,2012,0
RUSTYS TANKERS,838796561,J,,WY,,CO,,T83WY8976,,,SHARONS MINI MARTS,831298345,9/15/2011,1234592,175,1507,1500,1500,7