About HuskerOil.com

In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com,
your comma separated file (.csv) must contain the first 19 items. (A-S)
Columns T and U are only necessary on Transporter schedules when DeliverTo is not the same as the Consignor. Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
(Note: Use for all returns other than Petroleum Products Terminal return)
A Carrier name ( ex. Elvis Trucking )
B Carrier number ( 9 digits, ex. 470000000 )
C Mode of transportation ( 1 or 2 letters, ex. J (truck), R (railroad), ST (Stationary Transfer))
D Terminal number ( 9 characters, ex. T62TN1234, or leave blank)
E Destination state ( 2 letters, ex. TN )
F Buyer(or Consignor) name ( ex. Tennessee Oil Inc. ) (required for disbursements and scheds 7A1,7B4,7E2, and all transporter scheds)
G Buyer(or Consignor) FEIN or SSN ( 9 digits, ex. 470101010) (required for disbursements and scheds 7A1,7B4,7E2, and transporter scheds)
H Date ( format M/D/YYYY, ex. 8/31/2006 )
I Document # ( up to 10 characters )
J Net Gallons ( numeric, ex. 1500 )
K Gross Gallons ( numeric, ex. 1500 )
L Billed Gallons( numeric, ex. 1500 )
M Terminal location ( ex. Chattanooga, if no terminal, leave blank)
N Originating state ( 2 letters, ex. TN )
O Product code (include leading 0s, ex. 065)
Note: For reporting purposes, Tennessee treats BioDiesel products like Kerosene so use product code 142 for clear Bio, and 072 for dyed Bio.
P Schedule code ( Up to 3 characters, ex. 11E )
Q Diversion Number or Blended Product for Schedule B4U (ie. 065 or 160)
R Seller/Supplier name ( ex. Tennessee Oil Inc. ) (required for receipts and scheds 7A1,7B4,7E2, and transporter scheds)
S Seller/Supplier FEIN or SSN ( 9 digits, ex. 470101010) (required for receipts and scheds 7A1,7B4,7E2, and transporter scheds)
T Delivered To name ( ex. Tennessee Oil Inc. ) (transporter scheds if "delivered to" is not same as consignor)
U Delivered To FEIN or SSN ( 9 digits, ex. 470101010) (if column T is used)
V Destination Terminal (if delivered to a terminal, ex. T62TN1234)
W Revised Destination for Diversions (2 letters, schedules 11, 11E, put original destination in column E) Blank if not a diversion.

Example file:

For Petroleum Product Terminal Return, use this template:
Ending invetory entries (Schedule INV) require values in columns D,E, and H through P only. Use one INV schedule for each product/terminal.
A Carrier name ( ex. Elvis Trucking )
B Carrier number ( 9 digits, ex. 470000000 )
C Mode of transportation ( 1 letter, ex. J (truck), R (railroad))
D Terminal number ( 9 characters, ex. T62TN1234, mandatory on TR and TD schedules)
E Destination state ( 2 letters, ex. TN )
F Position holder name for Termninal Receipts, buyer name for Terminal Disbursements
G Position holder or buyer FEIN( 9 digits, ex. 470101010)
H Date ( format M/D/YYYY, ex. 8/31/2006 )
I Document # ( up to 10 characters )
J Net Gallons ( numeric, ex. 1500 )
K Gross Gallons ( numeric, ex. 1500 )
L Billed Gallons( numeric, ex. 1500 )
M Terminal location ( ex. Chattanooga)
N Originating state ( 2 letters, ex. TN )
O Product code (include leading 0s, ex. 065)
P Schedule code ( Up to 3 characters, ex. TR, TD, or INV )
Q leave blank
R Position holder name for Termninal Disbursements, Seller name for Terminal Receipts
S Position holder or seller FEIN( 9 digits, ex. 470101010)

Example file:
TRUCKPROS,666666014,J,,TN,POSHOLDER2,222222222,12/5/2012,502,3000,0,0,MEMPHIS,TN,228,TR,,NEW COMPANY,321321321