South Carolina
South Carolina has two possible formats, depending on whether you are classified as a Supplier or a Transporter
Be certain to use the proper format.
TRANSPORTERS (FORM 2176) - your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these 20 items (21st is optional)
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
A | Consignor Name ( ex. Carolina Consignors ) |
B | Consignor FEIN ( 9 digits, ex. 470000000) |
C | Consignor City ( ex. Raleigh, if unkown leave blank) |
D | Consignor ST( 2 characters, ex. SC) |
E | Seller Name( ex. Big Oil Inc. ) |
F | Seller FEIN ( 9 digits, ex. 470000001) |
G | Seller City ( ex. Raleigh, if unkown leave blank) |
H | Seller ST( 2 characters, ex. SC) |
I | Mode ( J for Truck, R for Rail, .etc ) |
J | Origin ( either 2 letter state or Terminal Number, ex. T57SC2001 ) |
K | Purchaser Name( ex. Big Oil Inc. ) |
L | Purchaser FEIN ( 9 digits, ex. 470000001) |
M | Purchaser City ( ex. Raleigh, mandatory for Purchaser) |
N | Purchaser ST( 2 characters, ex. SC, mandatory for Purchaser) |
O | Date ( M/D/YYYY format ) |
P | Manifest Number ( Bill of Lading, document number ) |
Q | Gross Gallons ( whole number ) |
R | Net Gallons ( whole number ) |
S | Schedule code ( Up to 3 characters, ex. 14B ) |
T | Product code ( 3 characters ex. 065 ) |
U | Amendment Item Flag ( 1 if amendment, 0 if original) ) |
Example Transporter file:
Bubbly,561111111,Huskerboro,NC,BN,341111111,Cityville,NC,J,T56NC2020,R&R,579999999,Northtown,SC,12/1/2007,12345,2199,2181,14B,065 |
Bubbly,561111111,Huskerboro,NC,BN,341111111,Cityville,NC,J,NC,R&R,579999999,Northtown,SC,12/2/2007,23456,3000,2999,14B,065 |
SUPPLIERS (FORM 2119) - your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these 20 items.(21st is optional)
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
A | Carrier Name ( ex. Carolina Consignors ) |
B | Carrier FEIN ( 9 digits, ex. 470000000) |
C | Unused (leave blank) |
D | Unused (leave blank) |
E | Seller/Buyer Name( ex. Big Oil Inc. ) |
F | Seller/Buyer FEIN ( 9 digits, ex. 470000001) |
G | Seller/Buyer City ( ex. Raleigh, if unkown leave blank) |
H | Seller/Buyer ST( 2 characters, ex. SC) |
I | Mode ( J for Truck, R for Rail, .etc ) |
J | Origin ( either 2 letter state or Terminal Number, ex. T57SC2001 ) |
K | Destination State ( 2 letter state abbreviation ex. SC ) |
L | Billed Gallons (if required, else 0) |
M | Unused (leave blank) |
N | Unused (leave blank) |
O | Date ( M/D/YYYY format ) |
P | Manifest Number ( Bill of Lading, document number ) |
Q | Gross Gallons ( whole number ) |
R | Net Gallons ( whole number ) |
S | Schedule code ( Up to 3 characters, ex. 7A ) |
T | Product code ( 3 characters ex. 065 ) |
U | Amendment Item Flag ( 1 if amendment, 0 if original) ) |
Example Supplier file:
CARRIER,561111111,,,BUYER,341111111,MAYBERRY,SC,J,SC,SC,2199,,,12/1/2007,12344,2200,2199,7A,065 |
CARRIER,561111111,,,SELLER,342222222,MADISON,SC,J,T57SC2020,SC,2300,,,12/8/2007,12345,2305,2300,1,065 |