In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com,
your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these items.
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column
headers (descriptions) in your file. Unused fields can be left blank.
Columns AE through AK are used for Use Fuel Sellers only. |
A | Carrier name (ex. Ducks Trucking) |
B | Carrier number (9 digits, ex. 123456789) |
C | Mode of transportation (1 letter, ex. J (truck), R (railroad)) |
D | Origin city (ex. Salem) |
E | Origin state (2 letters, ex. OR) |
F | Origin terminal# (9 characters, ex. T93OR4456). This is always YOUR terminal# for 15A/15B/15C |
G | Origin facility or zipcode (5-9 characters, ex. L1033556F, 97301) |
H | Destination city (ex. Eugene) |
I | Destination state (2 letters, ex. OR) |
J | Destination terminal# (9 characters, ex. T93OR4456) |
K | Destination facility or zipcode (5-9 characters, ex. L1033556F, 97301) |
L | Buyer/Customer name (ex. Oregon Oil Inc.) |
M | Buyer/Customer FEIN (9 digits, ex. 123456789) |
N | Buyer/Customer account (optional, ex. 23DY456) |
O | Buyer/Customer city (optional, ex. Portland) |
P | Buyer/Customer state (optional, ex. OR) |
Q | Seller/Supplier name (ex. Oregon Oil Inc.) |
R | Seller/Supplier number (9 digits, ex. 123456789) |
S | Date/Invoice Date (format MM/DD/YYYY, ex. 4/30/2015) |
T | Document/Manifest number (up to 10 characters) |
U | Product code (include leading 0's, ex. 065) |
V | Net gallons (numeric, ex. 1500) |
W | Gross gallons (numeric, ex. 1500) |
X | Billed gallons (numeric, ex. 1500, Dealer only) |
Y | Schedule code (up to 4 characters, ex. 10AC) |
Z | Amended (0=Normal, 1=Amended) |
AA | Consignor/Position Holder name (ex. Beaver Oil Inc.) |
AB | Consignor/Position Holder number (9 digits, ex. 123456789) |
AC | Beginning Inventory for product (numeric, ex. 150000, 15C and PUMP only) |
AD | Ending Inventory for product (numeric, ex. 150000, 15C and PUMP only) |
AE | Card number (Up to 20 characters, 5CRD and 6CRD only) |
AF | Pump number (Numeric, PUMP only) |
AG | Pump status (1 character, A(Active), N(New), O(ODOT Adjustment), R(Retired), PUMP only) |
AH | Plate number (Up to 20 characters, 10G only) |
AI | Plate state (2 characters, ex. OR, 10G only) |
AJ | Purchase date (format MM/DD/YYYY, ex. 4/30/2015, ) |
AK | Credential/Description (Up to 50 characters) |
Example Dealer manifest entry (only need columns A-Z):
Ducks Trucking,111111111,J,Astoria,OR,,,,,T93OR4456,,Oregon Buyers,222222222,,,,NW Oil Inc.,987654321,01/24/2015,C22X410,065,1500,1510,1500,3,0
Example Dealer local manifest entry (columns A-Z):
Ducks Trucking,111111111,J,,,,L1033556F,VENETA,OR,,,Veneta Gas,234234234,,,,Gasorama Inc.,987654321,01/30/2015,C22X411,065,100,110,110,5LO,0
Example Transporter manifest entry (columns A-AB):
,,J,Salem,OR,,,,,T93OR4454,,Beaver Buyers,456456456,,,,NW Oil Inc.,987654321,01/29/2015,C22X412,160,1000,1000,1000,14C,0,Oregon Consignors,333333333
Example Terminal Operator or Dealer inventory manifest entry (schedule 15C):
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,01/31/2015,inv001,065,,,,15C,0,Eugenians Inc,555555555,15000,12350
Example Use Fuel Seller inventory manifest entries:
Example Use Fuel Seller manifest entry: