About HuskerOil.com

North Carolina
In order to import data into your account on HuskerOil.com,
your comma separated file (.csv) must contain these 20 items. (Column U is optional)
Arrange your spreadsheet in the following format. Do not include column headers (descriptions) in your file.
A Consignor Name ( ex. BIG OIL TRADERS INC )
B Consignor FEIN ( IMPORTANT: 11 digit NC License or 9 digit FEIN if not NC licensed company)
C Consignor City ( ex. Raleigh, if unkown leave blank)
D Consignor ST( 2 characters, ex. SC)
E Seller Name( ex. Big Oil Inc. )
F Seller FEIN ( IMPORTANT: 11 digit NC License or 9 digit FEIN if not NC licensed company)
G Seller City ( ex. Raleigh, if unkown leave blank)
H Seller ST( 2 characters, ex. SC)
I Mode ( J for Truck, R for Rail, .etc )
J Origin ( either 2 letter state or Terminal Number, ex. T57SC2001 )
K Purchaser Name( ex. Big Oil Inc. )
L Purchaser FEIN ( IMPORTANT: 11 digit NC License or 9 digit FEIN if not NC licensed company)
M Purchaser City ( ex. Raleigh, mandatory for Purchaser)
N Purchaser ST( 2 characters, ex. SC, mandatory for Purchaser)
O Date ( M/D/YYYY format )
P Maninfest Number ( Bill of Lading, document number )
Q Gross Gallons ( whole number )
R Net Gallons ( whole number )
S Schedule code ( Up to 3 characters, ex. 14B )
T Product code ( 3 characters ex. 065 )
U Is this an amending item?(1 if yes, 0 if no)

Example file:

A Carrier Name ( ex. BIG OIL TRADERS INC )
B Carrier FEIN ( IMPORTANT: 11 digit NC License or 9 digit FEIN if not NC licensed company)
C Schedule code (up to 3 characters ex. 1, 5A)
D Product code (3 characters ex. 065, 160)
E Seller Name( ex. Big Oil Inc., receipts only )
F Seller FEIN ( IMPORTANT: 11 digit NC License or 9 digit FEIN, receipts only )
G Origin City ( ex. Raleigh, mandatory if no origin terminal)
H Origin State ST( 2 characters, ex. SC)
I Mode ( J for Truck, R for Rail, .etc )
J Origin Terminal(if applicable, terminal number, ex. T57NC2001 )
K Purchaser Name( ex. Big Oil Inc. disbursements only )
L Purchaser FEIN ( IMPORTANT: 11 digit NC License or 9 digit FEIN, disbursements only)
M Destination City ( ex. Raleigh, mandatory if no destination terminal)
N Destination State( 2 characters, ex. NC, mandatory for Purchaser)
O Date ( M/D/YYYY format )
P Manifest Number ( Bill of Lading, document number )
Q Gross Gallons ( whole number )
R Net Gallons ( whole number )
S Billed Gallons (whole number)
T Destination Terminal (if applicable)
U Is this an amending item?(1 if yes, 0 if no)

Example file:
HUSKYS CARRIERS,561111111,1,065,BIG OIL,12323445601,CHARLOTTE,NC,J,T99NC1234,,,RALEIGH,NC,08/12/2012,90111,2700,2701,2700,,0
HUSKYS CARRIERS,561111111,5A,065,,,RALEIGH,NC,J,,BOBS GETNGO,345345512301,CHARLOTTE,NC,08/14/2012,90112,800,800,800,,0